Technical Rider
Addendum to the Performance Agreement
THIS ADDENDUM IS PART AND PARCEL TO THE PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT BETWEEN _______________ (the “Purchaser”) AND _______________(the “Supplier”).
The Purchaser agrees to provide a professional audio system in good to excellent condition, appropriately sized to cover the entire room. The system shall minimally consist of the following:
1. A wireless handheld microphone with a microphone stand (straight stand) to be used by audience members who are on stage. Note: A wireless microphone is preferred; however, a wired handheld microphone is acceptable. Audience members can not use a lavalier microphone.
2. One Shure bodypack and receiver. The performer will provide a Shure-compatible headset to plug into the bodypack you provide. Note: Please make sure the wireless handheld mic and the bodypack you provide are using separate receivers and frequencies to avoid interference and ensure quality sound.
3. Access to the performance area hours prior to the start time of the entertainment indicated on the Performance Agreement. Note: The performance area must be no less than 10′ x 12′ and free of all cords, cables, podiums, and any other obstructions.
4. Two standard electrical outlets (120v).
The Purchaser is responsible for providing a table that is 6 feet wide. If the Purchaser can not provide this, Supplier will source a table with 30+ days of notice.
The audience’s view of the performance area must not be obstructed. Tall vases with flowers, Helium balloons tied to tables, and pillars can not block the view of any audience members. (If there are pillars in the room, the seats must be moved to places where the pillars won’t block the view.)
No Mirrors in Performance Area
There can not be any mirrors directly behind the performer or on directly to the side(s) of the performer.
Recommended Seating Arrangement
The audience should be seated (not standing). Seats (and tables, if there are tables) should be tightly pulled together. The front row should be very close to the performance area. No audience members should be to the side of the performer or behind the performer. It is standard to have dinner tables at most sales meetings and after-dinner shows (e.g. award ceremonies). However, if you find yourself in a situation where it is easy to set up any seating arrangement, then theater style seating (without tables) is the most optimal seating arrangement. A good seating arrangement is shown after this paragraph.
In witness whereof, the Parties have executed this Technical Rider on the respective dates shown by their signatures: